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Finding the Right Real Estate Agent for Senior Home Buyers

SRES certified_Finding the Right Real Estate Agent for Senior Home Buyers_Dream Property Team

Interview with Jachele Pfeifle, SRES certified REALTOR®

What are some qualities that seniors should look for in a real estate agent?

They should look for knowledge of what they’re going through and what their lifestyle is. Are they downsizing, are they looking for their last move, are they looking for the last home that they're going to be in, is it something that they can age in? For seniors, unless there’s an elevator or something similar, you always want to make sure that you have main-floor living. What if something happens? Are stairs gonna be too much to take care of? Knowledge is the first thing to look for.

How can seniors best evaluate potential agents before deciding to work with them?

Talking and asking questions. One of the biggest things with seniors that we're seeing now is taxes.

  • Is this gonna harm you on a tax situation?

  • Do you need to put it into a trust?

  • Do you need to put it into a 1031 exchange?

  • Is it going into somebody else's name?

You kind of have to think, you're at that later stage in life, so what are you going to do if something happens? What's the plan in place? Because if you're able to support the long-term plan in place and the house is able to support the long-term plan in place, it's a win-win. But if you're trying to get into something that's not going to work long-term. Then what's the purpose behind it?

What are some common misconceptions that seniors have about real estate agents and how would you solve those concerns?

One of the biggest concerns seniors have is that they're being taken advantage of. Regardless of where it is, one of the biggest complaints that seniors always have is that they're pushed to the side. There’s the misconception that just because they're old, somehow their faculties have lost them. If you sit and listen to them, you'll hear all of their strengths and their wisdom. Hearing those concerns, validating them, and showing them where those resources are going goes a long way. They want to know, they have a lot of questions, and taking the time to answer them in a respectful manner and in an honest manner is huge.

What are some special qualifications or things that you would advise seniors to look for in a real estate agent?

Look for someone that's very knowledgeable about the area, very knowledgeable about the aging process, and very knowledgeable about what both of those things look like.

Are kids involved in the process?

Kids are always involved. They have questions about estate sales or how to set them up properly. They want advice on setting up a will or how to set things up in case mom or dad pass away. Those are all questions that you have to look at at this stage in life and those are questions that not only is the client gonna wanna know, but the children are gonna wanna know. We won’t take advantage of mom and dad, we’ll get them the best that they can get. For example, in an emergency situation like someone falling, breaking their hip and not bien able to move back home, we have resources for that. We have policies and procedures in place, and we have investors that can come in and purchase a property right away. We have stuff that we can do where we can clean it out, and sell it for highest and best, it just depends on what's right for the situation.

As a senior, who are important people to look for when I hire an agency?

A senior relocation specialists. We have one on our team with a designation for that through the real estate board. Having somebody that's knowledgeable about the senior community is huge, and not just knowledgeable, but truly loves it, because if you're doing it for the wrong reasons, it's gonna show and if you're doing it for the right reasons, it's gonna show.

Dream Property Team is SRES certified! Click here to learn more about SRES

On the hunt for an investment property in Colorado Springs or the surrounding areas, contact Jachele Pfeifle of the Dream Property Team here.

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